Check and Connect

Updated: Nov 20, 2017
Evidence Rating:
Suggestive Tier


  • Program:

    A dropout prevention program for high school students with learning, emotional, and/or behavioral disabilities.

  • Evaluation Methods:

    Two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with a combined sample of 300 9th grade students.

  • Key Findings:

    RCTs show a sizable decrease in students’ dropout rates, and increase in attendance and academic credits earned.

Check and Connect is a dropout prevention program for high school students with learning, emotional, and/or behavioral disabilities. Students typically enter the program in 9th grade, and are assigned a monitor (e.g., a graduate student, special education teacher, or community member with experience in human services), who works with them year-round as a mentor, advisor, and service coordinator.

The program is overseen at the school level by a program coordinator (e.g., special education coordinator or school psychologist), who provides monitors with regular advice and feedback. Check and Connect costs approximately $1,955 per student per year to implement, in 2017 dollars.

Click here for Check and Connect’s website.

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Sinclair, Mary F., Sandra L. Christenson, and Martha L. Thurow. Promoting School Completion of Urban Secondary Youth With Emotional or Behavioral Disabilities. Exceptional Children. Vol. 71, No. 4, 2005, pp. 465-482.

Sinclair, Mary F., Sandra L. Christenson, David L. Evelo, and Christine M. Hurley. Dropout Prevention for Youth with Disabilities: Efficacy of a Sustained School Engagement Procedure. Exceptional Children. Vol. 65, No. 1, 1998, pp. 7-21.