Unplanned Pregnancy Prevention

Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program

A comprehensive, year-round youth development program for economically disadvantaged teens
UPDATED: Nov 20, 2017
Top Tier
Multi-site randomized controlled trial shows sizable reductions in teen pregnancy and births.
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Nurse-Family Partnership

A nurse home visitation program for low-income, pregnant women
UPDATED: Jan 03, 2020
Top Tier
Randomized controlled trials show major impact on life outcomes of the mothers and their children.
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Teen Options to Prevent Pregnancy

A program for low-income adolescent mothers that aims to reduce rapid repeat pregnancy and promote healthy birth spacing
UPDATED: Aug 19, 2024
Near Top Tier
Randomized controlled trial shows sizable reductions in the incidence of repeat pregnancies and births.
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Health Care Program for First-Time Adolescent Mothers and their Infants

A health care program for first-time, teenage mothers that provides counseling on birth control and education on basic parenting and child health
UPDATED: Nov 21, 2017
Suggestive Tier
Randomized controlled trial shows a sizable reduction in subsequent teen pregnancies and increase in rate of child immunizations.
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Treatment Foster Care Oregon

A foster care program for severely delinquent youths
UPDATED: Mar 06, 2023
Suggestive Tier
Randomized controlled trials show sizable reductions in youths’ criminal activity and (for girls) teen pregnancy.
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