Nevada’s Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment Program

Updated: Dec 07, 2023
Evidence Rating:
Near Top Tier


  • Program:

    A mandatory program for Unemployment Insurance (UI) claimants, which provides an in-person review of their UI eligibility, and personalized reemployment services (e.g., job search assistance). This is a low-cost program (approximately $290 per participant).

  • Evaluation Methods:

    Two well-conducted randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with samples of approximately 33,000 and 91,000 UI claimants respectively.

  • Key Findings:

    A 13-18% increase in earnings per claimant over study follow-up periods ranging from 1.5 to 5 years after random assignment, and net savings to the government from reduced UI payments.

  • Other:

    Both RCTs took place in a single state – Nevada. Replication of these findings in an additional RCT, conducted in another state, would be desirable to establish whether the program’s effects generalize to other jurisdictions where it might be implemented.

[Disclosure: Arnold Ventures provided funding support for the second RCT of this Nevada program, conducted 2014-2020.] 

Nevada’s Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment program (REA) is a mandatory program for new UI claimants who (i) have received one week of UI benefits under the new claim; (ii) have no work return date (i.e., are not on temporary layoff); (iii) are not active in other training programs; and (iv) are not attached to a union hiring hall.

The program is delivered by trained staff at One-Stop Career Centers across the state, who provide the following mandatory services during a single interview session:

  • A UI eligibility review to verify that the claimant is eligible for benefits (e.g., has been actively seeking employment) and prevent overpayment;
  • Labor market information (e.g., regarding job openings, wage trends);
  • Development of an individual reemployment plan; and
  • Provision of reemployment services (e.g., job search and resume assistance, job match against automated labor exchanges).

The Nevada program is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, which also funds REA programs in most other U.S. states (in 2015, Congress changed the program’s name to Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment, or RESEA). However, the actual program – i.e., specific program design and features – varies substantially from state to state. The Nevada program, including delivery of all items described above, costs approximately $290 per participant (in 2023 dollars). A more detailed description of the Nevada program can be found on pages 4-6 of the 2012 report on the Nevada REA study.

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Study 1

Michaelides, Marios, Eileen Poe-Yamagata, Jacob Benus, and Dharmendra Tirumalasetti. Impact of the Reemployment Eligibility Initiative in Nevada. Impaq International, January 2012 (link).

Poe-Yamagata, Eileen, Jacob Benus, Nicholas Bill, Hugh Carrington, Marios Michaelides, and Ted Shen. Impact of the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment Initiative. Impaq International, June 2011 (link).

Study 2

Michaelides, Marios and Paula Mian, Low-Cost Randomized Control Trial Study of the Nevada Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Program: Final Report, Impaq International, February 2021 (link).

Other References

Benus, Jacob, Eileen Poe-Yamagata, Ying Wang, and Etan Blass. Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Study FY 2005 Initiative: Final Report. Impaq International, March 2008 (link).

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics, 2009, 2010, and 2011.

Crépon, Bruno, Esther Duflo, Marc Gurgand, Roland Rathelot, and Philippe Zamora. “Do Labor Market Policies Have Displacement Effects? Evidence From a Cluster Randomized Experiment.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013, vol. 128, no. 2, pp. 531-580.

Klerman, Jacob. A., Correne Saunders, Emily Dastrup, Zachary Epstein, Douglas Walton, and Tara Adam, with Burt Barnow. Evaluation of impacts of the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Program: Final report. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Labor by Abt Associates, 2019 (link).